Showing posts with label SmallBusiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SmallBusiness. Show all posts

Monday, August 7, 2023

Small Business Start Up Financing

[ad_1] The number one question I get asked as a small business start-up coach is: Where do I get start-up cash? I'm always glad when my clients ask me this question. If they are asking this question, it is a sure sign that they are serious about taking financial responsibility for start it. Not All Money Is the Same There are two types of start-up financing: debt and equity. Consider what type is right for you. Debt Financing is the use of borrowed money to finance a business. Any money you borrow is considered debt financing. Sources of debt financing loans are many and varied: banks, savings and loans, credit unions, commercial finance companies, and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) are the most common. Loans from family and friends are also considered debt financing, even when there is no interest attached. Debt financing loans are relatively small and short in term and are awarded based on your guarantee of repayment from your personal assets and equity. Debt financing is often the financial strategy of choice for the start-up stage of businesses. Equity financing is any form of financing that is based on the equity of your business. In this type of financing, the financial institution provides money in return for a share of your business's profits. This essentially means that you will be selling a portion of your company in order to receive funds. Venture capitalist firms, business angels, and other professional equity funding firms are the standard sources for equity financing. Handled correctly, loans from friends and family could be considered a source of non-professional equity funding. Equity financing involves stock options, and is usually a larger, longer-term investment than debt financing. Because of this, equity financing is more often considered in the growth stage of businesses. 7 Main Sources of Funding for Small Business Start-ups 1. You Investors are more willing to invest in your start-up when they see that you have put your own money on the line. So the first place to look for money when starting up a business is your own pocket. Personal Assets According to the SBA, 57% of entrepreneurs dip into personal or family savings to pay for their company's launch. If you decide to use your own money, don't use it all. This will protect you from eating Ramen noodles for the rest of your life, give you great experience in borrowing money, and build your business credit. A Job There's no reason why you can't get an outside job to fund your start-up. In fact, most people do. This will ensure that there will never be a time when you are without money coming in and will help take most of the stress and risk out of starting up. Credit Cards If you are going to use plastic, shop around for the lowest interest rate available. 2. Friends and Family Money from friends and family is the most common source of non-professional funding for small business start-ups. Here, the biggest advantage is the same as the biggest disadvantage: You know these people. Unspoken needs and attachments to outcome may cause stress that would warrant steering away from this type of funding. 3. Angel Investors An angel investor is someone who invests in a business venture, providing capital for start-up or expansion. Angels are affluent individuals, often entrepreneurs themselves, who make high-risk investments with new companies for the hope of high rates of return on their money. They are often the first investors in a company, adding value through their contacts and expertise. Unlike venture capitalists, angels typically do not pool money in a professionally-managed fund. Rather, angel investors often organize themselves in angel networks or angel groups to share research and pool investment capital. 4. Business Partners There are two kinds of partners to consider for your business: silent and working. A silent partner is someone who contributes capital for a portion of the business, yet is generally not involved in the operation of the business. A working partner is someone who contributes not only capital for a portion of the business but also skills and labor in day-to-day operations. 5. Commercial Loans If you are launching a new business, chances are good that there will be a commercial bank loan somewhere in your future. However, most commercial loans go to small businesses that are already showing a profitable track record. Banks finance 12% of all small business start-ups, according to a recent SBA study. Banks consider financing individuals with a solid credit history, related entrepreneurial experience, and collateral (real estate and equipment). Banks require a formal business plan. They also take into consideration whether you are investing your own money in your start-up before giving you a loan. 6. Seed Funding Firms Seed funding firms, also called incubators, are designed to encourage entrepreneurship and nurture business ideas or new technologies to help them become attractive to venture capitalists. An incubator typically provides physical space and some or all of these services: meeting areas, office space, equipment, secretarial services, accounting services, research libraries, legal services, and technical services. Incubators involve a mix of advice, service and support to help new businesses develop and grow. 7. Venture Capital Funds Venture capital is a type of private equity funding typically provided to new growth businesses by professional, institutionally backed outside investors. Venture capitalist firms are actual companies. However, they invest other people's money and much larger amounts of it (several million dollars) than seed funding firms. This type of equity investment usually is best suited for rapidly growing companies that require a lot of capital or start-up companies with a strong business plan. [ad_2] Source by Susan L Reid

Friday, July 14, 2023

Writing Stand Up Comedy - Point of View


When writing stand up comedy, consider the point of view you use in your stand up act. Comedy writers who use different characters are completely into the character point of view and comedians who use observations use the narrator point of view. However, most comics tend to use a variety of all three points of view.

The following exercise can improve your success at writing stand up comedy because you will learn to utilize the three points of view through four different stages. In stage one, you will be you as yourself in an argument. In stage two, you will become the other person using the you as other character point of view in the argument. In stage three, you will argue back and forth between the other character and you. In stage four, you will use all three points of view for writing stand up comedy. In particular, you will use yourself as the narrator to set the scene and make remarks throughout while the you and other characters point of views are arguing back and forth.

As a setup for this exercise, here are some guidelines to follow:

• You must create an argument between you and another adult.

• The other adult needs to be someone you can personify because you will only be this other adult in stage two.

• You must argue standing face to face.

• Multiple problems need to be included so that the argument will last for three to four minutes.

To help ensure the success of this exercise and writing stand up comedy, base this argument on a real argument that you have had. You do not need to reenact the exact argument, rather use it as a beginning point to get you started. Have fun and let the argument become whatever you want it to. You can even use this as an opportunity to say all those things that you wish you had said before.

Just as a caution, try not to use a recent argument or one that is close to your heart. This exercise is meant as a tool for learning and writing stand up comedy, not to analyze your life.

Using these guidelines, choose your argument. Now that you have chosen your argument and understand the different roles, you can get started with the exercise. One more thing; you may want to have a pencil and paper handy for notes. Successfully writing stand up comedy depends on many factors and choosing an effective point of view is a crucial consideration.


Source by John Halas

Podcasting Equipment


Coffee Makers

Household Supplies

Emergency Food Supply

AM/FM Portable Radios

Water Storage

Small Appliances

Monday, June 19, 2023

Small Business: Growing Your Business

[ad_1] Growth in a business is essential. How much growth, depends on your vision for your business.... Many business owners often confuse growth with expansion. Expansion is moving into new product lines, new services and new areas. Growth is increasing your capacity to continue with the products and services you have. Growth may require expansion, but expansion is not necessarily needed for growth. Growth is necessary, at the very least, to ensure that your business maintains a healthy profit margin. Expenses typically rise each year and, as such, your business needs to grow, otherwise it will 'fade' away. This is why having a business plan and regularly reviewing your businesses performance is so important! Understanding the businesses financial bottom line and how the target markets are evolving is paramount to ongoing business success and growth. Be Honest With Yourself... Sometimes, the largest obstacle any small business owner can have, is themselves. Far too often, we as business owners fall prey to own success and we ignore the change indicators in our market. A wise business owner will ensure that they can independently evaluate their business - a business mentor is great for this kind of oversight. Be brutal in your assessment - really extrapolate the possible changes in your market and determine how you can refine your business strategies to capitalize on the changes. In one of my 'previous business lives', I ran a retail franchise store. We were a very niche business and when we first opened the stores, we did really well. However, as the market evolved it became more of a consumer market (not niche) and our Franchise did not change it's strategies to take this into consideration. That franchise no longer exists - it was placed in receivership. Growth Strategies There are several strategies for growth that may be applied by a business owner. Sell More Of The Same Thing This is possibly one of the most popular strategies for business growth - do more of what you're already doing. This could be a valid approach, particularly if the business or market is relatively young. One of the biggest things to consider here, is whether there is 'room' to do more of the same thing. If your business delivers services, can your existing staffing levels handle more work and if not, can more people be employed quickly enough to deliver the work? Does your market allow for enough growth in the sale of more of the same? Sometimes, the market is near saturation and selling more of the same thing is not going to provide enough growth for a business. Consider moving into other target markets with the same product or service. Often this will require a rethink of Unique Selling Proposition, but it can reap big rewards. If the business doesn't have sufficient person power to sell more, consider options like licensing and franchising to increase the reach. One very simple method to immediately add more sales people to the business is to offer an Affiliate or Referral program, where the business will pay a commission or referral fee to people who bring in new business. Raise Prices Raising the prices of your products and services may result in growth. This approach needs to be implemented carefully, and the results monitored regularly. Raising prices will, generally, result in a higher profit per sale - and as such higher profit overall. In some cases, raising prices will result in an increase in sales as well. This tends to occur when the price of a product or service is so low that it gives the perception of a low value / poor quality or appeals to a target market that is not willing to spend money. When the price is increased, the target audience feels that the quality is much better and will more readily invest. By increasing the price and increasing sales, growth occurs naturally. I experienced exactly this in my retail store - we had priced a product at less than $10, which we thought was an 'irresistible price'. Unfortunately, our customers did not and the product was not moving. After overhearing several customers discuss that they believed something must be wrong with the product for it to be so cheap, we increased the price to $14.95 and sold out in a week! Perceived Value. Diversify Diversification is a valid and very smart business growth strategy. Add more products or services to your business portfolio. Depending on your business plan, the products or services may be related to your existing product range or, it may be appropriate to start a new 'arm' to your business. Diversification, as a business growth strategy, provides a major benefit as the risk of market downturns is spread over a wider base. By adding more related products and services to its portfolio, a business can also capitalize on return business from existing customers. In Conclusion These are three very broad ways to grow your business - and which one(s) to use will depend on your business plan. [ad_2] Source by Charly Leetham

Thursday, June 15, 2023

The Rule of Three in Comedy


Have you seen a comedian, or comedy troupe, repeat a bit over, and over, and over, until the blatant unfunniness was painful to watch? In recent years, that's become almost the norm, especially on shows like "Saturday Night Live." If the comedy writers had known about the Rule of Three, and better yet had followed it, they could have avoided the problem and actually had the funny skit that they had intended.

In short, the Rule of Three is: don't repeat a bit of comedy more than three times. When done right, the first time can be funny, the second time funnier, and the third time can build up to a crescendo of comedy. A fourth time, however, and it's the comedy equivalent of beating a dead horse -- the horse doesn't react, and neither does the audience -- at least not in a good way.

Think of the great comedians of the past -- whether you think of individuals like Jack Benny, Bob Hope, Red Skelton, W. C. Fields and Jimmy Durante, or comedy teams like the Three Stooges, the Marx Brothers, Abbott and Costello or Laurel and Hardy -- can you think of them "beating a horse" in that way? No; it was something that they learned the hard way, performing in front of live audiences and adjusting their humor based on the audience's reactions.

This doesn't mean that a comedian, humorist, speaker or clown can't repeat a mannerism more than three times -- obvious examples are Jack Benny's slow, elongated, "Well!" or Baron Munchausen's "Was you there, Charlie?" which they repeated hundreds of times during their careers -- but rarely more than 3 times in a given performance, if that many.

Variety is the spice of life, but the old saying that "brevity is the soul of wit" still rings true. It doesn't matter if it's performing in front of children or adults, in front of a Rotary Club or national television, the Rule of Three still holds true.

It should also be mentioned that the Rule of Three isn't limited to verbal humor. If you're doing slapstick comedy -- anything from throwing or receiving a pie in the face, or a kick in the posterior like Charlie Chaplin, or even the Three Stooges' patented eye-poke routine -- the Rule of Three still applies. How long would a Three Stooges short film be funny if Moe began poking Curly in the eye, then Larry, then Curly again, then Larry again... on and on for fifteen minutes?

In summary, everyone needs to apply the Rule of Three to keep their humor short, funny, and memorable!

[ad_2] Source by Tom Raymond

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

7 Home Business Ideas For Women That Work

[ad_1] More and more women are choosing to work from home. This gives them the flexibility required to raise children, manage the house and take care of other such tasks. There are many home business ideas for women. Many times, a hobby becomes a base for your business. Here are some interesting business ideas that should be considered. 1: Craft Crafts have enormous potential. People are constantly looking for innovative products as gifts for their loved ones. It may be wedding gifts, party favors and more. You can come up with some nice items and promote them among friends and family in the beginning. If the news spreads and if your products are good, your small business will have a lot of orders. 2: Child Care If you have something for children and the necessary space in your home, you might consider establishing a small business of child care. Of course, you must obtain the necessary permits and licenses. But if your locality lacks a good facility, this business opportunity will work for you. 3: Pet care Just as people appreciate good childcare, there are others who would like to have a good Pet Care Service. This is especially true if they are frequent travelers with pets. You can consider using your place for this work. Once the business starts doing well, you can delegate tasks to people who are interested. 4: Using your culinary skills A good business opportunity that many women can cash on is their cooking. This can be baking snacks and other refreshments. You can take on full board and work with fixed menus for various functions. Art of cooking can be changed according to any catering needs. If people like what you do, you can make good money here. 5: Tutoring Tutoring can be an essential activity for children who are weak in their studies. Depending on your core knowledge, you can choose to educate on a particular topic. Remember, people pay to those who can make their children pass with good marks. If you are sure that you have what it takes, it can provide a substantial income on monthly basis. This is among good home business ideas for women. 6: Interior designers Business Ideas for Women can be creative as well. You can try your skills in design and put them to good use by advising people on how to modernize the interior of their homes. You can help people make the right purchase, depending on their requirements. Rich housewives can pay you a good amount if you can earn their trust. This turns out to be another lucrative business you can begin with. 7: eBay eBay sellers make good money too, and when you get the right kind of products online, you can be sure that many people will choose to buy from you. The income potential here is unlimited; all you need is right mentoring. This can be among some of the best home business ideas for women. There are great possibilities out there for ladies who want to work from home. Think of the ideas above and choose the one that suits you best. Remember, you can only gain by this knowledge by taking decisive actions. [ad_2] Source by Vincent Mogoane

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Small Business: Growing Your Business

[ad_1] Growth in a business is essential. How much growth, depends on your vision for your business.... Many business owners often confuse growth with expansion. Expansion is moving into new product lines, new services and new areas. Growth is increasing your capacity to continue with the products and services you have. Growth may require expansion, but expansion is not necessarily needed for growth. Growth is necessary, at the very least, to ensure that your business maintains a healthy profit margin. Expenses typically rise each year and, as such, your business needs to grow, otherwise it will 'fade' away. This is why having a business plan and regularly reviewing your businesses performance is so important! Understanding the businesses financial bottom line and how the target markets are evolving is paramount to ongoing business success and growth. Be Honest With Yourself... Sometimes, the largest obstacle any small business owner can have, is themselves. Far too often, we as business owners fall prey to own success and we ignore the change indicators in our market. A wise business owner will ensure that they can independently evaluate their business - a business mentor is great for this kind of oversight. Be brutal in your assessment - really extrapolate the possible changes in your market and determine how you can refine your business strategies to capitalize on the changes. In one of my 'previous business lives', I ran a retail franchise store. We were a very niche business and when we first opened the stores, we did really well. However, as the market evolved it became more of a consumer market (not niche) and our Franchise did not change it's strategies to take this into consideration. That franchise no longer exists - it was placed in receivership. Growth Strategies There are several strategies for growth that may be applied by a business owner. Sell More Of The Same Thing This is possibly one of the most popular strategies for business growth - do more of what you're already doing. This could be a valid approach, particularly if the business or market is relatively young. One of the biggest things to consider here, is whether there is 'room' to do more of the same thing. If your business delivers services, can your existing staffing levels handle more work and if not, can more people be employed quickly enough to deliver the work? Does your market allow for enough growth in the sale of more of the same? Sometimes, the market is near saturation and selling more of the same thing is not going to provide enough growth for a business. Consider moving into other target markets with the same product or service. Often this will require a rethink of Unique Selling Proposition, but it can reap big rewards. If the business doesn't have sufficient person power to sell more, consider options like licensing and franchising to increase the reach. One very simple method to immediately add more sales people to the business is to offer an Affiliate or Referral program, where the business will pay a commission or referral fee to people who bring in new business. Raise Prices Raising the prices of your products and services may result in growth. This approach needs to be implemented carefully, and the results monitored regularly. Raising prices will, generally, result in a higher profit per sale - and as such higher profit overall. In some cases, raising prices will result in an increase in sales as well. This tends to occur when the price of a product or service is so low that it gives the perception of a low value / poor quality or appeals to a target market that is not willing to spend money. When the price is increased, the target audience feels that the quality is much better and will more readily invest. By increasing the price and increasing sales, growth occurs naturally. I experienced exactly this in my retail store - we had priced a product at less than $10, which we thought was an 'irresistible price'. Unfortunately, our customers did not and the product was not moving. After overhearing several customers discuss that they believed something must be wrong with the product for it to be so cheap, we increased the price to $14.95 and sold out in a week! Perceived Value. Diversify Diversification is a valid and very smart business growth strategy. Add more products or services to your business portfolio. Depending on your business plan, the products or services may be related to your existing product range or, it may be appropriate to start a new 'arm' to your business. Diversification, as a business growth strategy, provides a major benefit as the risk of market downturns is spread over a wider base. By adding more related products and services to its portfolio, a business can also capitalize on return business from existing customers. In Conclusion These are three very broad ways to grow your business - and which one(s) to use will depend on your business plan. [ad_2] Source by Charly Leetham

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Four Types of Marketing For Small Businesses

[ad_1] As a small business owner, you most likely spend quite a large amount of time trying to discern new ways to gain customers. Marketing can be a fun or stressful business. They key is to understand the types of marketing. Instead of sending your marketing budget in many different directions, you can choose a specific type and be consistent with it. You will quickly see that your marketing budget pays off much more quickly. Here, you will find information on four of the main types of marketing. This way, you will be able to choose the marketing actions that will work best for your business. You will then be able to point your marketing budget in the right direction. 1. Blanket marketing is a type that is often used by larger business. Blanket marketing means that you spend money advertising to everyone. Many people choose to do blanket marketing by advertising in magazines or newspapers. You will not really have control of who sees your advertising, but you will have the potential to reach many people. The downside to blanket marketing is that it can be quite expensive, and you could be wasting money marketing to people who may never become your customers at all. Blanket marketing is best for those who have plenty of funds available and who feel that they will be able to gain many customers from the plan. 2. Targeted marketing is a method in which you choose a certain demographic and only market to them. This could mean that you advertise to everyone in a certain area. Alternatively, you could advertise to everyone in a certain age range. The great thing about targeted marketing is that you will have a much better chance at getting customers since you will be advertising to the types of people who would most likely become customers. The downside is that it will take a little legwork to determine who your target is and then find the right way to advertise to them. 3. Social media marketing could be called the new kid in town since it is relatively a young concept. With this marketing, you use any one of the many popular social media sites to advertise your company. You can also use a daily blog to garner business. The downside to this type of marketing is that you will be sending your information out to many people who may not be interested at all. With blogs, you will have to take the time to keep the blog up to date. Otherwise, people may stop reading it. 4. The last type of marketing is not marketing at all. There are not upsides to this. It may seem like a way to save money, but when your business fails, you will actually lose a great deal of money. It is extremely important to find marketing funds within your budget. [ad_2] Source by Melissa B Evans

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

How to Start a Profitable Home Improvement Referral Service

[ad_1] Home improvement referral services are cropping up from New York to California. They are taking the time to do the legwork to find reputable and reliable contractors and these businesses are reaping profits from good work. It really doesn't take much to start. A home improvement referral service business takes only a little money and not more time than a regular 40 hour a week job. They can actually start making money within the first year of business. The first thing to consider is what types of home improvement businesses your will refer. This can include gutter cleaning and replacement, remodeling, building additions, fencing, lawn maintenance, and many others. Remember, all though you may like to paint a client may not like it or have the time. Therefore, no business should be overlooked. Once you have an idea of the types of contractors for your referral service business, you will need to call the local, county, and state government offices. Get the regulations and requirements regarding licensing, bonding, business registry, and insurance for each type of contractor. This is the first step to building your list. Any contractor that does not meet government regulations should not be on your referral list. By knowing these requirements and using them, your home improvement referral business will gain credibility with your clients. They will know that if the contractor doesn't meet these requirements, they will not be on your list. It makes the client feel more sure the job will be completed professionally and correctly. Another way to ensure creditability of your referral service business is to only look at contractors that are recommended by their past happy customers. But this is not the end of the screening process. Recommendations are not enough. Once a contractor is recommended to your home improvement referral business, you need to check out his or her service. Talk to them, explaining your referral service business. Many contractors will give you the needed information happily. Ask to see their licenses, bonding information, and insurance to ensure they are current and up to date. Ask for a list of services they provide and the cost for these services. Finally ask for references you may speak to. Now you have gotten your contractor referral list started. While working on creating this list, you should have started thinking about a name for your referral service business, advertising, office area, office equipment, and ordered a phone line for the business. You may want to use a computer right away, but an index card or file system could work just as well and for a fraction of the cost, until your company grows. Keep in mind that as your company grows, the office space, office equipment, and referral list system will probably need to become computerized to save time and money. Since your referral business is going to begin locally, check with local newspapers and periodicals to see if they would be interested in doing an article about your business. Make some flyers and ask local hardware stores if you could leave some there to advertise your service. You may also want to send letters to realtors announcing your business, they can be great advertisers for you. Make your services free to the people calling into your business looking for referrals. Many home improvement referral businesses charge the contractor anywhere from 6% to 15% depending on the size of the project. You put the customers in touch with the contractor, and upon completion of the project, the contractor pays you a fee. Advertise that no contractors pay you to get onto your referral list. If clients or contractors ask how they get on the list, explain to them the only way for a contractor to get on the list is for a customer to recommend them. You may want to explain the whole screening process to let the person know the exact qualifications the contractors need to have before being accepted. A referral service business can expand easily and rapidly. Once your business starts to grow, create a business plan to set goals. Decide how much you want to expand and consider starting franchises in other locations or expanding the list to include contractors that were not included originally. This is your home improvement referral service business and you can take it wherever you want. [ad_2] Source by Randy Wilson

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

At Home Business Ideas For the Handicapped Or Disabled

[ad_1] The best home based business ideas begin with knowing your niche. If you are one of the many handicapped people who want to contribute, remember, you have certain skills, life experience, interests and values that others may not have, so finding your niche is going to be much easier. Here are the 10 best home based (handicapped accessible) business ideas you may want to consider: 1. Bed & Breakfast- Especially for others with a handicap. If you live in a large home and love visitors, this is a ready-made, handicapped accessible business to help the disabled get out there and travel. A great work at home business. 2. Pet Sitting is a small business option for those who love caring for animals on a temporary basis. I know so many people who would like to go away for a weekend but have no one to leave their pets with who will love them as much as they do. 3. Jewelry Designer - Did you see the Oprah show about 10-year-old Shiloh Peppin who wants to grow up to be a jewelry designer? Her handicap of fused legs will not stop her from the career of her dreams, nor should it stop you. 4. Gift Basket Service - The entrepreneur can design them at home to specific niches and mail them to buyers or make them available in local specialty stores. 5. Internet Store - If you are computer savvy, consider opening an internet based business that sells affiliate items. You receive a commission for every affiliate item you sell to others. See my website for more affiliate information. 6. Life Coaching - Who knows better than you what it's like to survive and thrive with a handicap or challenge of any kind? So many people are waiting for your encouraging words. 7. Song Writer - For those with a love of music, why not write & sell your music for a living? 8. Recording Artist - If you have a beautiful voice, you can make a living from becoming a singer. Perhaps your niche is jingles - hey someone wrote & sang all those McDonalds jingles. Or maybe your niche is spiritual music, rock 'n roll or weddings. 9. Screen Writer - Write what you know. Tell your story. Everyone's already told you that your life is like a movie. Why not share your story with the rest of us? 10. Motivational Speaker - There is a great need for motivational speakers. You could speak at churches, community organizations, business meetings and even write and publish a book or EBook to motivate others. If you were born challenged or experienced a life altering event and became handicapped or disabled later in life, and you want to work, you can and should. Think seriously about starting a small business from home. These are just ten simple business ideas. I know you can come up with more home based business ideas that are specific to your skills, values and interests. Here's to your business success. [ad_2] Source by Kathi Calahan